If you’re not yet benefitting from the advantages of REST API, OpenAPI Specification (OAS) by the Linux Foundation®, and Remain API Studio, you are missing out! Here are the purpose, methodology, and benefits, and how you can leverage them to accomplish your goals like never before.
What Is REST and Why Use It?
Using an API provides a standard way of communicating data. JSON is widely accepted as the primary data format for APIs. The Representational State Transfer (REST) architectural style provides interoperability between applications and services within and across organizational boundaries, enabling the flexibility that allows two applications to communicate using tools similar to those used by web browsers and web-based applications. REST APIs utilize all the HTTP actions like GET, POST, PUT and DELETE.
Moreover, it's important to build REST APIs according to OAS standards. Apart from adopting a worldwide standard, benefits include leveraging many commercial and open source tools, generating documentation and code, like Java or RPG Free, and the capability to define an interface to your back-end quickly. Creating and maintaining REST APIs from scratch can be challenging. We engineered Remain API Studio to make it fast, easy, and efficient.

Designing REST APIs with Remain API Studio
With Remain API Studio you can create and edit full OAS spec-compliant API definitions with speed and reliability.
This easy-to-use rich visual editor has you covered through the entire API design process, featuring import and export capabilities, multi-language code generation, integrated testing, a powerful documentation generator, and built-in help.
The real power of Remain API Studio lies in the ability to visually maintain your API specification in a human-readable, graphical way, without having to bog yourself down in JSON or YAML source. The source code is available on the Source tab, for a peek or to maintain the code there; the UI will be updated accordingly. Once the specification is created, code can be generated to process the API.
Remain API Studio is available: as a standalone application, and as an RDi plugin.
For IBM i users we deliver the TD/OMS-API Studio Suite, including the RPG Freee generator for complete management of the development cycle.
Click the product links to see the details:
- TD/OMS - IBM I DevOps
- Gravity - IBM i Workflow and Ticketing
- Xref - Cross Platform Referencing
- API Studio - IBM i Native REST API Development
- MIWORKPLACE - IBM i Integrated Development Environment
- OCTO -Web and VSCode Integration Platform for Development and Performance Management
- X-Analysis - Unlock the intelligence in your application code
- ReplicTest - IBM i Automated & Augmented e2e testing tool for inter, batch,
web app
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